Winter IS coming – so let’s get all the Hygge feeling
A new horse has arrived here at Dalesend Cottages and his name is Wally. He is a handsome chestnut youngster- only 6. I’m sure the magic effect that Patrick Brompton Hall’s ‘Hygge’ has on all our horses (chilling out, eating lots of lush grass) will be contagious, and in any case, he seems pretty laid back already.
However – the name “Wally?” Of course the jokes have begun. He grazes with our other horse, Dawn, in the park in front of the house (the very same park we encourage our guests to walk in) and I can assure you, 20 acres is LARGE. “WHERE’S WALLY’ is the war cry we shout, as we shake the feed tin.
Charles collapses in laughter every time he hears this. But I suppose I do have his amusement to thank for it made me think – Where’s Wally winter? -followed by ‘Who cares, lets all enjoy the Hygge feeling this year – like our horses seem to do, in the park, whatever the weather.
If you don’t know what a Hygge feeling is here’s the Danish explanation from where this word is sourced. Hygge has more to do with people’s behaviour towards each other. It is the art of creating intimacy: a sense of comradeship, conviviality, and contentment rolled into one. This is why we believe Dalesend Cottages has the Hygge factor. Snuggle up on your sofa beside the woodburning stove, soak in a Scandinavian hot tub, or Hayloft’s bath,or enjoy the Hygge feeling watching firelight dance. And adore each other. . For more suggestions Read more here.
Come and feel the Hygge Charles created for yourselves here at Dalesend Cottages when you book a dream weekend this winter – for the Hygge factor is already here, ready for when the winter does arrive.
*Hygge = “feeling of wellbeing or creating a warm atmosphere, or to feel really happy and relaxed and enjoy the simple pleasures in life”.
See you soon here – embrace winter, love the Hygge, love Dalesend Cottages.