When you arrive you may be concerned with trivial matters, like eating chips for dinner. After a weekend of kundalini yoga, you will have the courage of a warrior.

The joy of finding your inner GRIT. Our amazing human bodies can even become our own drug factories*


What would happen if you discovered one weekend, you could develop tools to calm your mind and through kundalini yoga, find the *serotonin and dopamine (the happy hormones) you needed to feel fabulous, for a second, a few longer moments, a morning, a day or the whole weekend without wanting chips!  It is said that our bodies are ‘drug factories’  and produce all we need to help heal and comfort us.


A whole weekend of you?

I know it sounds a dream, and a big promise. Ok – maybe a whole weekend without a breadcrumb of doubt or ‘dis-ease’  creeping into your psyche would be a big ‘ask’ for anyone in today’s crazy Facebook/Trump/Putin/Syria kind of world we live in.

But we can take time out for ourselves; give ourselves permission to experience an altered ‘self’ for a workshop or weekend. We can discover the joy of losing ourselves in the ‘flow’, which is the experience where we are absorbed with interest, activity and friendship, eat good food, and stay in tranquil country accommodation.

Your heart is higher than your head in ‘Downward Dog’ or ‘Triangle Pose’. In this posture you can work out your world.

We may even take home tools, to use to continue to self-parent and hold one’s ‘self’ when the going gets tough in our lives, be it raising a family, in the workplace, in personal relationships. We can do some of it through the kriyas we do in Kundalini Yoga, and the wonderful gong baths we enjoy for the relaxation.


HABITS ARE MADE – Try one for 40 days for transformation.


As a yoga teacher myself, I know from experience, that it takes 40 days to create an initial change of habit. There are further stages.


40 days to change a habit

90 days to confirm a habit

120 days = the new habit is who you are

1000 days = you have mastered the habit.

Drinking Yogi tea every day for 40 days is a brilliant new habit to cultivate…

The challenge – test your grit!

The first 20-30 days are helped by the mantra ‘I can’ often… then the new habit begins to ease into your life. Ease being the word.  Your habit becomes ‘easier’.

When you reach the 40th day, a huge sense of victory arrives, you see or feel or experience the results. This may be visually obvious if you renounced alcohol or smoking, did plank for 3 minutes, swam 30 minutes, went running, and went to yoga every day.

Results may be more subtle if you did a breath and meditation habit. You may find it is others who affirm your new radiance and spirit of joy.

Or, have you noticed a new abundance has begun to flow into your life. Whatever, many people find that it was the 40-consequtive day practise that brought change, and you may have new conviction to maintain a new way of being yourself – you in your heart centre.

Just do it!

Try 40 days.  You could pick a meditation to do for 3 or 11 minutes, a habit to break, an asana (yoga position) like plank daily for 3 minutes. You could do some act of kindness beyond serving yourself; there are LIMITLESS possibilities for you. It is always your choice. Don’t overwhelm yourself. It is ok to do 3 minutes for 40 days of your choice. No one is judging. When you come on a yoga weekend at Dalesend Cottages, we can help you find the right meditation for you.

1000 days and counting.

I am currently doing a 1000-day meditation practise (the same one every day) and am now more than seven months into this almost 3-year habit. I have also added another meditation of 11 minutes into my daily habit – for 40 days, because it is one that will help me be of service to others in my life. So yes, you can do it and find the time. We have 24 beautiful hours in a day. 3-11 minutes is a small sacrifice to enrich you.


If any of this sounds interesting, Dalesend Cottages and Escapes will be running wellness weekends and day workshops around the themes of Kundalini yoga, nutrition, balancing hormones, managing stress through pranayama and core body toning to create a strong sense of self esteem.

You could join our mail list here to find out the dates of our wellness weekend escapes. Our first weekend is 22-25th June 2018.

Read more about it here


See you soon
